In addition to giving fifteen minutes, we want to encourage you, as you connect at FIRST, to give at least 1 hour of your week to serving the body of Christ. At first, that may seem like a lot, but given that you can easily waste an hour watching Netflix or scrolling through Facebook, we realize it’s not that much.
If everyone gave one hour to serving the body of Christ, there is so much that we could do together, for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
You can invest your one-hour throughout the week by helping around the facilities, assisting in administrative work, contacting & encouraging sick or homebound members, hosting or leading a life group, or serving on one of our setup teams; or on a Sunday by teaching a class, greeting new guests, serving with the children or student ministries, singing or playing an instrument with the worship team, serving on a medical or security team, or operating equipment with the production team.